Review No. 2 - My Hero Academia
Hello Everyone! Welcome to the second part of this special edition reviews. This week, I finished watching another series requested by my audience members. The series, My Hero Academia, is an action packed series with a very emotional plot and relatable characters. While I watched this series, I had a hard time keeping my eyes off the screen. Personally I found the series to be captivating by the flashy fights alone, however, it's been found popular because of its emotional plot and underdog story.
Title: My Hero Academia Season 1
Genre: Action/Adventure
Episodes: 13
Medium: Anime
In season one, the audience is introduced to the main character living in a world where 80% of the population has developed superpowers referred to as “Quirks”. The young boy, named Izuku Midoriya, happens to be one of the 20% born without powers. Midoriya still had dreams of becoming the world's greatest hero but without a quirk, he didn't know how. However, after a series of events, Midoriya is chosen by All Might, the number one hero, to be the heir to his power, One for All. Midoriya then gets accepted into UA, the most popular hero academy in Japan. There, he is destined to train to take All Might’s place as number one.
Season one showed the audience a lot of information about the world these characters live in. It showed us many professionals at work, it showed the entrance exam of the UA and many other aspects that are important for an audience's understanding of the character’s world. Season one also told us a lot of information about the true status and purpose of All Might. Such as why he's important to this society and why Midoriya needs to get stronger faster. When watching this, I found that the massive amounts of information helped as the show did not rely on flashbacks to the character’s past as often as other shows of this genre.
Title: My Hero Academia Season 2
Genre: Action/Adventure
Episodes: 25
Medium: Anime
In season 2, Midoriya is faced with many issues. The season starts after the attack on the school, where everyone is still trying to recover. Faced with the challenge of having to get stronger even sooner than before, Midoriya begins to train even harder. Soon, the school’s Sport festival arrives and Midoriya must learn how to use his power in order to keep up with the competition. After the festival ends, the students are then told to select their internships with professional heroes. Midoriya works with All Might’s old teacher, Gran Torino. The two begin training yet end up into some trouble while traveling. After a long series of events for Midoriya, he is then faced with final exams. By the end of season 2, Midoriya still has one challenge. To get stronger as soon as he can in order to replace All Might.
Season 2 of this show seemed to move at a relatively fast pace. When watching this show, I found one crazy thing. I noticed that Midoriya got caught into a lot of situations simply out of what I would call bad luck. Now, because of the special circumstances regarding Midoriya and All Might’s power, the situations were always villains hoping to defeat All Might. Another thing I enjoyed in season 2, were the more dangerous, and fast-paced battles that showed the progress of each character as they continued to learn from UA and even showed some of the characters pushing past their own limits.
Title: My Hero Academia Season 3
Genre: Action/Adventure
Episodes: 25
Medium: Anime
Season 3 begins with the students' summer training. Midoriya and his class go to a summer camp training facility and work with a pro team in order to prepare for the hero licensing exam. However, there are other entities at work. The camp is soon attacked and the students are put to a test they never prepared for. After the camp, the students move into dorms in order for the school to better protect them. The students take their licensing exam and end the season meeting year 3 students who give them advice about their powers and working with professionals.
In season 3, the audience is shown the real evil inside Midoriya's world. Season 3 reveals the League of Villains and their true plan to rid the world of superheroes. With this revelation, it's clear to the audience why UA is allowing the students of class 1-A to take the provisional licensing exam. At first, I assumed it was only because of Midoriya and his power. However as the season continued i realized just how powerful each of these students happen to be. As these students get stronger, it became more apparent that the only thing they lack from the pros is the experience of working as heroes. By the end of season, I had come to the realization that the events in season 3 developed the students closer to being professional than before. Maybe a true fight is the best teacher for heroes?
Title: My Hero Academia Season 4
Genre: Action/Adventure
Episodes: 25
Medium: Anime
Season 4 starts with the students of class 1-A beginning their work studies with professional heroes. While under command of Nighteye, All Might’s former sidekick, Midoriya happens to run into a suspect. Overhaul, a villain currently running the Shie Hassaikai, a gang organization that wants to destroy all superheroes. After that run-in, the season keeps focus on the battle between Heroes and the villains of the Shie Hassaikai.
Reviewing season 4 is hard for me to do as a majority of the episodes had the same focus that it becomes difficult to keep from revealing too much about the series. So, I’ll talk about the main points. Season 4 created a strong bond between characters and the audience. Now, the true connection was made starting at season one, but in season 4 the audience is shown the true emotions and motivational beliefs of every character.