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What greek life gave me


Greek life is never something I thought I would be apart of. I remember in high school I would always say I wouldn’t joking a sorority or anything like that. When I came to Olivet as a freshman though I saw how important it was to be involved on campus and Greek life was such a big part of campus. I decided I should go to a few teas and check out to see what they have to offer. As soon as I stepped into Sigma Beta and met the girls I knew this would be a great fit for me. Little did I know three years later this house has completely changed me for the better. The Sigma actives would always tell me that, but I never knew how much it would impact me. Sigma Beta gave me so many different things that I never knew I needed or wanted.

When I first became a Sigma Beta I was shy and not confident. I never really saw my purpose or my reason until I got to Sigma. Sigma has taught me confidence and that’s one thing ill forever be thankful they gave me. I used to not like the way I looked, I was shy, and I never stood up for myself. Now I’m beyond confident in myself and I don’t let anyone walk all over me or use me. Sigma Beta also gave me a second home. I was a big homebody freshman year, I went home almost every weekend and loved going home, but as soon as I crossed I stopped going home as often because Sigma opened me up to so many new adventures and friends. I was able to go to Sigma and be around people who loved me and wanted me to succeed like my family did. They gave me a safe place on campus. I didn’t know I needed it and when I got it I just knew this was my new forever home. Sigma Beta also challenged me through my years here and put me indifferent situations that have helped me along the way. Our house is like a business in a way and we have to take care of it. Those positions Ive held in the house have helped me understand how to run a house, what is needed and what to expect in the future. Also with being a soon to be Vice President I know Ill be able to get put in challenging situations that will help me with my future. Overall this house has given me a home, family, lifetime sisters and opportunities that I never thought I would have. Every day I’m beyond thankful for this house and if I could tell my high school self one thing it would be to not judge sorority life and to give it a chance. I’m beyond glad I took the risk because without greek life I wouldn’t have the friends, family, house or memories it gave me.



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